Dauntless By Design is a 2016 mare that I have had since she was only 4 months old. It was one of those random moments, where I was driving down a country back road, and saw her in the pasture. I knew I had to have her. I arranged to buy her, in exchange for halter breaking 2 other nurse mare foals. As “Luna” had been out in a field with other horses, a nurse mare foal, and had never been touched. Once the old owner and I had come to an agreement we wrangled Luna and the two other foals (Sassy and Chip) into my trailer, and I took them to my parents’ place to start their first 30 days with me.
Once the thirty days had come and gone, Chip and Sassy went to their new homes, and Luna was officially mine! From the moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she was going to be something special and I could not stand the thought of not being a part of her story. Due to the fact that she is a nurse mare foal, we are not sure what breed she is but have a strong suspicion that she is part thoroughbred and possibly part Dutch Harness horse. I do know that her mom was bred back to a teaser stud at a thoroughbred farm who had a variety of different teasers one of which was a Dutch Harness Horse. With that said, I do not care!
So far Luna has shown incredible promise with a trot that will stop anyone in their tracks. Standing at nearly 17 hands at just 4 years old, Luna has a lot of bone and has an incredible amount of power. Initially, I began the process of starting her under saddle when she was three, but she showed a bit of mental immaturity, so I turned her out to develop further and waited for until she turned four. Earlier this month, Luna started working and she has been fantastic! She has grown up so much in the past year! This past week she began lunging and is going to be backed this week! My goal is to compete Luna in the 2021 Young Event Horse 5-year-old Championships at Fair Hill! The future looks bright for this one so make sure to keep an eye on our for her!